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AMSAT Opposes FCC Plan to Delete the 3.4 GHz Band

AMSAT Opposes FCC Plan to Delete the 3.4 GHz Band

The amateur satellite organization AMSAT commented on a notice from the Federal Communications Commission that proposed the deletion of the 3.3-3.5 GHz (9 cm band) amateur band, of which 3.40-3.41 GHz was originally allocated for the amateur satellite service. 


In the comments, AMSAT opposes the removal of this amateur frequency and emphasizes the need to provide sufficient microwave spectrum for future amateur satellite projects, including AMSAT ’s recently launched GOLF project (following the FOX project) and the Lunar Gateway.


AMSAT also states that the most ideal allocations for uplink use are those between 2.4-5.67 GHz, for a total of 80 MHz. The optimal allocation for the downlink is 10.45-10.50 GHz, for a total of 50 MHz. Because amateur television and high-speed data transmission are currently planned for use in high Earth orbit and moon orbit, these allocated frequencies may soon be insufficient.


AMSAT also states that the 2.4-5.67 GHz allocation is widely used in ISM and consumer devices such as WiFi and Bluetooth devices. 3.4 GHz is a shared frequency and may often be subject to unpredictable interference from other equipment.


Although no amateur satellite currently operates at the 3.4 GHz amateur frequency, that is because ITU Region 1 has not allocated it to the amateur service, and AMSAT has identified some potential uses for this frequency. With the use of other available frequencies worldwide, the use of this band will definitely increase. These potential uses include future geostationary amateur satellites over the Americas.


In the comments, AMSAT also noted that some frequencies other than those used by amateur satellites are widely used in mesh networks, EME lunar reflection communications and competitions.


Source: ARRl news

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