CTCSS/DCS scan is a very useful feature for a radio amateur, Retevis RT5R as a ham radio, although there is no CTCSS/DCS menu, but it also can scan the CTCSS/DCS.
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Scanning for a CTCSS tone or DCS code can be done while Frequency Mode (VFO) or Channel Mode (MR) is selected. Only when VFO mode is selected, can the detected tone/code be saved to menu 11/10. CTCSS tone and DCS code scanning mode can be accessed with or without a signal being present. The scanning process itself only occurs while a signal is being received.
How to scan a CTCSS.DCS on RT5R
1. When in channal mode or frequency mode, Press the Menu 11 or 13 R-CTCS or T-CTCS.
A flashing "CT" will be in the left status display to indicate the radio is in CTCSS scanning mode. In this mode, whenever the radio is receiving an RF signal on the selected MR channel or VFO frequency, the lower display will cycle through the CTCSS tones as they are being tested. Once the frequency of the received CTCSS tone is determined, the "CT" indicator will stop flashing.
Press the [MENU] key to save the scanned tone into memory (VFO Mode Only) then press the [EXIT] key to exit the menu.
Don't forget to set VFO menu 11 back to OFF when the CTCSS tone is no longer required.