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【ARRL News】2022 Year ARRL 10-Meter Contest

【ARRL News】2022 Year ARRL 10-Meter Contest
The ARRL 10Meter contest is coming up on 10-11 December. There should be a lot of activity on the band this year. For the rules and other information, see:

Objective: For Amateurs worldwide to exchange QSO information with as many stations as possible on the 10 meter band.

Dates: Second full weekend of December. Starts 0000 UTC Saturday; runs through 2359 UTC Sunday (December 10-11, 2022)

Contest Period:Second full weekend in December. Begins 0000 UTC Saturday and runs through 2359 UTC Sunday. Operate for a maximum of 36 hours out of the 48-hour period. Off times must be at least 30 minutes long. 
Log Deadline: Upload your log at contest-log-submission.arrl.org no later than SEVEN (7) days after the contest is over at 2359 UTC.  Paper log forms are available on the ARRL 10-Meter Contest web page. 
Bands and Modes: Use only the 28 MHz band. Both phone and CW may be used. Contact stations only once per mode. 
Categories: Single Operator and Single Operator Unlimited stations in any power category can also enter as Mixed-Mode, CW-Only, or Phone-Only. Multioperator stations may only enter as Mixed-Mode. See the Special Rules and HF Categories sections for details. 
Contacts: All stations may contact any other station on both CW and Phone.
Exchange: All stations send a signal report. W/VE stations, including Alaska and Hawaii) send their state or province. (District of Columbia stations send “DC”.)
Mexican stations send their state or province.
DX stations send a serial number.  
Maritime mobile stations send ITU Region (1-3).
This is a typical contest contact: CQing Station: CQ TEST DE W1AW
Answering Station: VE6SH
CQer: VE6SH 599
CT Answer: 599
CQing Station: CQ Test from W1AW
Answering Station: PY5EG
CQer: PY5EG 59
Connecticut Answer: 59 1256
CQer: Thanks W1AW 
As the answering station, it is not necessary to send the CQing station's call before the exchange unless you think there might be some confusion about which station you are responding to. 
Scoring: Each phone contact counts for two (2) QSO points. Each CW contact counts for four (4) QSO points. To calculate your final score, multiply the total QSO points by the number of US states (plus the District of Columbia), Canadian Provinces and Territories, Mexican states, DXCC entities, and ITU regions you contacted.  Each multiplier counts once on phone and once on CW. See the ARRL Contest Multipliers List for a list of abbreviations. 
Scoring Example: KA1RWY makes 2235 contacts including 1305 phone QSOs, and 930 CW QSOs, for a total of 6330 QSO points. On phone, she works 49 states, 10 Canadian provinces, 3 Mexican states, 20 DXCC entities and a maritime mobile station in Region 2 for a total of 49+10+3+20+1 = 83 phone multipliers. On CW she works 30 states, 8 Canadian provinces, 1 Mexican state, and 18 DXCC entities for a total of 30+8+1+18 = 57 CW multipliers.  Her final score = 6330 QSO points x (83+57) multipliers = 6330 x 140 = 886,200 points. 
Club Competition: You can contribute your score to your ARRL Affiliated Club by selecting the club name when you upload your log.

Contest rules are now maintained as a single downloadable document.

Click Here for the Complete ARRL 10-Meter Contest Rules (PDF)


Comment user


Your contest rules are wrong. ITU zones are not multipliers. Just reference the ARRL rules and this kind of thing won't occur.

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