+86 15093323284

 Longgang,ShenZhen, CN


2019 CQ World Wide WPX Contest

CQ World Wide WPX Contest SSB is coming on this weekend March 30-31, 2019.  ...

Read more  CQ World Wide WPX Contest SSB

Ailunce HS1 SSB HF SDR Amateur Transceiver

Ailunce HS1 SSB HF SDR HAM Transceiver 0.5MHz-30MHz HF SDR Transceiver  ...

Read more  HS1,  HF

QSL Card Usage in Amateur Radio

Amateur radio operators exchange QSL cards to confirm two-way radio contact between stations. Each card contains details about one or more contacts, the station, and its operator. At a minimum, this includes the call sign of both stations participating in the contact, the time and date when it occurred (usually specified in UTC), the radio frequency or band used, the mode of transmission used, and a signal report.  ...

Read more  QSL

The Basic Information of Yagi Antenna

As an electromagnetic transducer element, the position of the antenna in the entire radio communication system is very important. The quality directly affects the distance and effect of the transmission and reception. In other words, there is no radio communication without the antenna.  ...

Read more  Yagi Antenna

Radio Antenna Erection and Standing Wave Ratio

We know the VSWR of the antenna system is close to 1:1. If it is close to 1:1, it is good. I often hear this question: But what if I can't reach 1? If the standing wave ratio is as small as a few, is the antenna qualified?  ...

Read more  SWR,  Antenna

The Historical Origin of NATO Phonetic Alphabet

Alphabet interpretation is widely used in amateur radio communication. Due to the low output power of amateur stations and the complicated factors of radio wave propagation, the distortion or fading of the received speech signal is serious, which affects the analysis and identification of information.  ...

Read more  NATO ,  Alphabet

Interference Issues with Amateur Radio Frequencies

In fact, the essence of wireless interference is electromagnetic interference. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, it is necessary to understand and analyze electromagnetic interference in order to find protective measures and effective methods for achieving electromagnetic compatibility.  ...

Read more  Frequency interference

Dynamic Talkgroup and Static Talkgroup on Brandmeister

Manage Dynamic talkgroup and Static Talkgroup on Brandmeister.  ...

Read more  MMDVM,  Brandmeister talkgroups

Ailunce HS1 SSB HF SDR HAM Transceiver

Ailunce HS1 SSB HF SDR HAM Transceiver  ...

Read more  HS1,  HF


Upgrade my MMDVM duplex hotspot to support VHF/UHF now. Assemble them together again.  ...