How to Upgrade Retevis RT84 Firmware
- May 09,2019
- aliunce
- Radio Function
Retevis RT84 is dual band dmr radio. We constantly update the RT84 firmware to meet the needs of customers. You can download it and install the .exe file on your computer ...
What is the Balun
- May 08,2019
- aliunce
- Radio knowledge
Balun, the full name is "balance to unbalance transformer". A balun is an electrical device that converts between a balanced signal and an unbalanced signal. Its essence is a transformer. Whose role in the circuit is to convert and match "an electrical signal that is relatively balanced with the reference ground" and "an electrical signal that is relatively unbalanced with the reference ground". ...
Why you need a DMR Hotspot
- Apr 29,2019
- Aliunce
- Radio knowledge
A hotspot is simply an internet gateway to a particular DMR network (Brandmeister/TGIF). DMR Hotspots have become very popular due to the expansion of the Brandmeister Network in recent years. ...
Why Can not I Access the Repeater
- Apr 29,2019
- aliunce
- Radio knowledge
One question we often hear from new hams (and maybe some not-so-new hams) is "why can't I get into the repeater?" There are many reasons why you can't get into a repeater so it is difficult to come up with a quick fix for all situations. ...
Basic Introduction for Analog (FM) Repeaters
- Apr 29,2019
- aliunce
- Radio knowledge
Repeater, as the name implies, an FM repeater repeats your radio signal. It is just an amateur radio station that has been designed for the special purpose of retransmitting your signal instantaneously as it is received. ...
The Differences Between Walkie Talkies and Two Way Radios
- Apr 28,2019
- aliunce
- Radio knowledge
The terms "two-way radio" and "walkie talkie" are often used interchangeably. Both are capable of sending and receiving radio transmissions. So what's the difference? It's mostly nothing to do with the radios themselves, just the way that different types of user refer to them. ...
How to import digital contacts into Ailunce HD1
- Apr 28,2019
- aliunce
- User Tutorial
As the number of DMR registered contacts grows. 100,000 is not enough. Ailunce HD1 have released the new firmware v1.58 and software v2.17. It can support up to 200,000 contacts. ...
Text messaging on two way radios
- Apr 28,2019
- aliunce
- Radio knowledge
One of the most useful features of modern digital two way radios is text messaging. This capability allows users to send texts via keypads on their radios and read them on their LCD displays. ...
MMDVM/Pi-star Simplex Hotspot and Ailunce HD1
- Apr 26,2019
- Aliunce
- Radio Introduction
How to set up MMDVM/pi-star Simplex Hotspot and Ailunce HD1. ...
How to program HD1 Channels with Different IDs
- Apr 26,2019
- aliunce
- User Tutorial
How to program HD1 Channels with Different IDs. Does it support different channels with different IDs in one radio. ...