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Category Archives :Radio Function

How to Upgrade Retevis RT84 Firmware

Retevis RT84 is dual band dmr radio. We constantly update the RT84 firmware to meet the needs of customers. You can download it and install the .exe file on your computer  ...

Read more  RT84,  Firmware

Explanation of Walkie-Talkie Function Terms

Explanation of Walkie-Talkie Some Function Terms.  ...

Read more  Radio Function-Terms

Ailunce HS1 HF SDR Transceiver Function Keys

Ailunce HS1 HF SDR Transceiver Function Keys, ​Spectrum Dynamic Waterfall Display. Multiple Working Modes:Receive Mode, Transmit Mode, TUNE Mode, VFO Mode, SPLIT Mode.  ...

Read more  HS1,  Function Key

What is the Dual Capacity Direct Mode (DCDM)

Dual Capacity Direct Mode also is known as 6.25 kHz Equivalence Direct Mode (6.25e DM) – provides additional spectral efficiency by supporting up to two simultaneous Direct Radio-to-Radio Mode subscriber calls within a 12,5kHz allocation of spectrum.  ...

Read more  DCDM

What are the CTCSS and DCS

CTCSS and CDS are also referred to by other names, including CDCSS, P, and DPL, but the official terms are CTCSS and DCS. They don't stop anyone from listening to you, they just stop you from hearing other people.  ...

Read more  CTCSS,  HD1,  DCS