Same as anolog channel setting, there are two ways to set DMR channel. One is setting in software on PC, the other is setting on the radio via the keypad directly.
DMR ID Setting
DMR contact list
Channel Information Setting
When you want to communicate with another radio in DMR, you need to have same TX, RX Frequency, Slot, Colour Code. Besides these setting, your need to select an available DMR ID, same contact of group call, or eachother's contact of private call. If you want to listen to more channel, you can set RX group list in reference to the blog as below.
1. Turn on your radio and switch to VFO mode; long press the "EXIT" key to switch to DMR mode; Input the RX frequency via the number keypad; Via Shift Up and Shift Freq to select simplex mode or repeater mode.
2. Menu=>Radio ID, click Confirm to edit local radio ID Number and Name via front keypad;
3. Menu=>Contacts=>Contacts, rotate the channel knob to edit contact ID Number and Name via front keypad;
4. Menu=>Band A/B Set, then click Shift Up, Shift Freq(TX-RX(RX,TX of radio)), Color Code, DMR Mode, DMR Slot, Radio ID, Contacts to confirm the channel setting detail;
5. Menu=>Main Set=>Save CH
Any question please leave a message, or email to us:
Hello. I have the hd1. I want to listen on dmr to a frequency. I have the frequency, colour code, but still cant hear anything. What else do i need to do. Thank you lance
hello, please make sure your hd1 settings are the same as the one you want to listen to. If you are not clear, just email
i have the same issue ive checked and everytjing is correct
Gregg Kerlin
I have what appears to be a fundamental problem as a newbie. I was trying to program two channels, CH1 &CH2. Both are in DMR mode, selected in frequency mode (VFO). Channel one is simplex DMR, channel 2 is repeater DMR. I start with the frequency for Channel 1, VFO, DMR, and set A up for simplex. Save Ch1. Then I enter VFO mode, set DMR, enter a different frequency, set A for DMR repeater, etc, and Save as Channel 2. Go back out to CH mode. Channel 1 has the right name, but the frequency of Ch2 and its DMR settings. If I reset Ch1 to its frequency and DMDR settings and save CH1, then CH2 now has the frequency of CH1. I can't seem to separate the DMR freq/settings from one to the other. What am I doing wrong? There is also another separte save function that shows 1:1 or 1:2 etc; what is that for? Many thanks in advance.
Yolanda Author
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